Our current state of affairs certainly begs the question as to whether we can really afford to ignore costly lessons from history. One would think that we learned something from the murderous attack launched against us during the predawn hours of December 7th, 1941. The first wave of 181 warplanes departed from six Japanese carriers to strike our fleet at Six decades later, three commercial airliners were commandeered by militant Islamist deviants and flown into their intended targets resulting in the deaths of 3000 innocent Americans. Once again, our nation was caught off-guard and paid a hefty price for underestimating an adversarys resolve and capacity to do us grievous harm. One could reasonably argue that we havent learned much from past mistakes and intelligence failures. Of greater concern is the administrations failure to come clean with the American people regarding numerous terrorist hits that we have already suffered attacks both leading up to and following 9/11. For unknown reasons, Federal law enforcement agencies continue to misrepresent barbaric acts of violence as being anything other than Islamist-inspired a reckless policy that, in the long run, will only cost more lives. Theres no legitimate reason to hide the truth from our citizenry while blood hemorrhages in various locations across While in a holding pattern awaiting the unthinkable news of simultaneous nuclear detonations occurring in major U.S Cities our State Department is reaching out to those same terrorist-host nations that are conspiring to exterminate us. If that isnt enough, the Department of Education is in the process of opening twenty Arabic-teaching schools for Muslim students across America, Kansas City International Airport recently installed foot baths to accommodate Muslim travelers and several federal agencies (including the FBI and TSA) have contracted with CAIR (a terror-friendly Islamic advocacy group) to provide sensitivity training to their field agents and employees. For a variety of reasons, neither can we expect the truth to flow from mainstream media channels. In fact, issues concerning national security and terrorism are typically subordinated to far more important topics like the regeneration of Britney Spears hair follicles, Rosie ODonnells personal self-destruction and paternity testing for Anna Nicoles orphaned infant child. Just how many more innocent adults and children have to perish before According to our nations leading counter-terrorism experts, its far later in the game than most folks realize, for the enemy has accomplished much in terms of their infiltration and entrenchment on our soil. These radical Islamist barbarians truly believe that Their victory would mean the end of the Americas Truth Forum, a non-partisan, non-profit (501(c) 3) organization, is committed to bringing the truth about the threat of radical Islam to the American people. The government wont do it. The media wont do it. That leaves us. There isnt a better time to draw a line in the sand, take a stand and be heard. For three years, In order to make this most crucial event happen, we need your financial support. We are firmly committed to the task of bringing the truth about the threat that Islamofascism poses to the American people to the American people. Lets not allow Please help us to help Where the battle against the aggressive totalitarianism of Islamofascism is concerned, it is well past the time to act. If we allow politics to infiltrate the process of disseminating fact-based information the truth about the lethal foe we face we risk repeating the mistakes made in the waning days of Vietnam only this time the genocide may very well happen to us...on American soil. Failure is not an option. To quote Winston Churchill: If you will not fight for right when you can easily win without blood shed; if you will not fight when your victory is sure and not too costly; you may come to the moment when you will have to fight with all the odds against you and only a precarious chance of survival. There may even be a worse case. You may have to fight when there is no hope of victory, because it is better to perish than to live as slaves. Respectfully, Jeffrey Epstein, President |
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