Labels: Disarm U.S.A., Obama
Monday, February 25, 2008
Senator helped fund organization that rejects 'racist' Israel's existence
Posted: February 24, 2008
5:44 pm Eastern
By Aaron Klein
© 2008 WorldNetDaily
Sen. Barack Obama
JERUSALEM – The board of a nonprofit organization on which Sen. Barack Obama served as a paid director alongside a confessed domestic terrorist granted funding to a controversial Arab group that mourns the establishment of Israel as a "catastrophe" and supports intense immigration reform, including providing drivers licenses and education to illegal aliens.
The co-founder of the Arab group in question, Columbia University professor Rashid Khalidi, also has held a fundraiser for Obama. Khalidi is a harsh critic of Israel, has made statements supportive of Palestinian terror and reportedly has worked on behalf of the Palestine Liberation Organization while it was involved in anti-Western terrorism and was labeled by the State Department as a terror group.
In 2001, the Woods Fund, a Chicago-based nonprofit that describes itself as a group helping the disadvantaged, provided a $40,000 grant to the Arab American Action Network, or AAAN, for which Khalidi's wife, Mona, serves as president. The Fund provided a second grant to the AAAN for $35,000 in 2002.
Obama was a director of the Woods Fund board from 1999 to Dec. 11, 2002, according to the Fund's website. According to tax filings, Obama received compensation of $6,000 per year for his service in 1999 and 2001.
Obama served on the Wood's Fund board alongside William C. Ayers, a member of the Weathermen terrorist group which sought to overthrow of the U.S. government and took responsibility for bombing the U.S. Capitol in 1971.
Ayers, who still serves on the Woods Fund board, contributed $200 to Obama's senatorial campaign fund and has served on panels with Obama at numerous public speaking engagements. Ayers admitted to involvement in the bombings of U.S. governmental buildings in the 1970s. He is a professor at the University of Illinois at Chicago.
The $40,000 grant from Obama's Woods Fund to the AAAN constituted about a fifth of the Arab group's reported grants for 2001, according to tax filings obtained by WND. The $35,000 Woods Fund grant in 2002 also constituted about one-fifth of AAAN's reported grants for that year.
The AAAN, headquartered in the heart of Chicago's Palestinian immigrant community, describes itself as working to "empower Chicago-area Arab immigrants and Arab Americans through the combined strategies of community organizing, advocacy, education and social services, leadership development, and forging productive relationships with other communities."
It reportedly has worked on projects with the Illinois Coalition for Immigrant and Refugee Rights, which supports open boarders and education for illegal aliens.
The AAAN in 2005 sent a letter to New Mexico Gov. Bill Richardson in which it called a billboard opposing a North Carolina-New Mexico joint initiative to deny driver's licenses to illegal aliens a "bigoted attack on Arabs and Muslims."
Speakers at AAAN dinners and events routinely have taken an anti-Israel line.
The group co-sponsored a Palestinian art exhibit, titled, "The Subject of Palestine," that featured works related to what some Palestinians call the "Nakba" or "catastrophe" of Israel's founding in 1948.
According to the widely discredited Nakba narrative, Jews in 1948 forcibly expelled hundreds of thousands - some Palestinians claim over one million - Arabs from their homes and then took over the territory.
(Story continues below)
Historically, about 600,000 Arabs fled Israel after surrounding Arab countries warned they would destroy the Jewish state in 1948. Some Arabs also were driven out by Jewish forces while they were trying to push back invading Arab armies. At the same time, over 800,000 Jews were expelled or left Arab countries under threat after Israel was founded.
The theme of AAAN's Nakba art exhibit, held at DePaul University in 2005, was "the compelling and continuing tragedy of Palestinian life ... under [Israeli] occupation ... home demolition ... statelessness ... bereavement ... martyrdom, and ... the heroic struggle for life, for safety, and for freedom."
Another AAAN initiative, titled, "Al Nakba 1948 as experienced by Chicago Palestinians," seeks documents related to the "catastrophe" of Israel's founding.
A post on the AAAN site asked users: "Do you have photos, letters or other memories you could share about Al-Nakba-1948?"
That posting was recently removed. The AAAN website currently states the entire site is under construction.
Pro-PLO advocate held Obama fundraiser, describes Obama as 'sympathetic'
AAAN co-founder Rashid Khalidi was reportedly a director of the official PLO press agency WAFA in Beirut from 1976 to 1982, while the PLO committed scores of anti-Western attacks and was labeled by the U.S. as a terror group. Khalidi's wife, AAAN President Mona Khalidi, was reportedly WAFA's English translator during that period.
Rashid Khalidi at times has denied working directly for the PLO but Palestinian diplomatic sources in Ramallah told WND he indeed directed WAFA. Khalidi also advised the Palestinian delegation to the Madrid Conference in 1991.
During documented speeches and public events, Khalidi has called Israel an "apartheid system in creation" and a destructive "racist" state.
He has multiple times expressed support for Palestinian terror, calling suicide bombings response to "Israeli aggression." He dedicated his 1986 book, "Under Siege," to "those who gave their lives ... in defense of the cause of Palestine and independence of Lebanon." Critics assailed the book as excusing Palestinian terrorism.
While the Woods Fund's contribution to Khalidi's AAAN might be perceived as a one-time run in with Obama, the presidential hopeful and Khalidi evidence a deeper relationship.
According to a professor at the University of Chicago who said he has known Obama for 12 years, the Democratic presidential hopeful first befriended Khalidi when the two worked together at the university. The professor spoke on condition of anonymity. Khalidi lectured at the University of Chicago until 2003 while Obama taught law there from 1993 until his election to the Senate in 2004.
Khalidi in 2000 held what was described as a successful fundraiser for Obama's failed bid for a seat in the U.S. House of Representatives, a fact not denied by Khalidi.
Speaking in a joint interview with WND and the John Batchelor Show of New York's WABC Radio and Los Angeles' KFI Radio, Khalidi was asked about his 2000 fundraiser for Obama.
"I was just doing my duties as a Chicago resident to help my local politician," Khalidi stated.
Khalidi said he supports Obama for president "because he is the only candidate who has expressed sympathy for the Palestinian cause."
Khalidi also lauded Obama for "saying he supports talks with Iran. If the U.S. can talk with the Soviet Union during the Cold War, there is no reason it can't talk with the Iranians."
Asked about Obama's role funding the AAAN, Khalidi claimed he had "never heard of the Woods Fund until it popped up on a bunch of blogs a few months ago."
He terminated the call when petitioned further about his links with Obama.
Contacted by phone, Mona Khalidi refused to answer WND's questions about the AAAN's involvement with Obama.
Obama's campaign headquarters did not reply to a list of WND questions sent by e-mail to the senator's press office.
Obama, American terrorist in same circles
Obama served on the board with Ayers, who was a Weathermen leader and has written about his involvement with the group's bombings of the New York City Police headquarters in 1970, the Capitol in 1971 and the Pentagon in 1972.
"I don't regret setting bombs. I feel we didn't do enough," Ayers told the New York Times in an interview released on Sept. 11, 2001
"Everything was absolutely ideal on the day I bombed the Pentagon," Ayers wrote in his memoirs, titled "Fugitive Days." He continued with a disclaimer that he didn't personally set the bombs, but his group set the explosives and planned the attack.
A $200 campaign contribution is listed on April 2, 2001 by the "Friends of Barack Obama" campaign fund. The two taught appeared speaking together at several public events, including a 1997 University of Chicago panel entitled, "Should a child ever be called a 'super predator?'" and another panel for the University of Illinois in April 2002, entitled, "Intellectuals: Who Needs Them?"
The charges against Ayers were dropped in 1974 because of prosecutorial misconduct, including illegal surveillance.
Ayers is married to another notorious Weathermen terrorist, Bernadine Dohrn, who has also served on panels with Obama. Dohrn was once on the FBI's Top 10 Most Wanted List and was described by J. Edgar Hoover as the "most dangerous woman in America." Ayers and Dohrn raised the son of Weathermen terrorist Kathy Boudin, who was serving a sentence for participating in a 1981 murder and robbery that left 4 people dead.
Obama advisor wants talks with terrorists
The revelations about Obama's relationship with Khalidi follows a recent WND article quoting Israeli security officials who expressed "concern" about Robert Malley, an adviser to Obama who has advocated negotiations with Hamas and providing international assistance to the terrorist group.
Malley, a principal Obama foreign policy adviser, has penned numerous opinion articles, many of them co-written with a former adviser to the late Palestinian Authority President Yasser Arafat, petitioning for dialogue with Hamas and blasting Israel for numerous policies he says harm the Palestinian cause.
Malley also previously penned a well-circulated New York Review of Books piece largely blaming Israel for the collapse of the Israeli-Palestinian negotiations at Camp David in 2000 when Arafat turned down a Palestinian state in the West Bank, Gaza and eastern sections of Jerusalem and instead returned to the Middle East to launch an intifada, or terrorist campaign, against the Jewish state.
Malley's contentions have been strongly refuted by key participants at Camp David, including President Bill Clinton, then-Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Barak and primary U.S. envoy to the Middle East Dennis Ross, all of whom squarely blamed Arafat's refusal to make peace for the talks' failure.
To interview Aaron Klein, contact M. Sliwa Public Relations by e-mail, or call 973-272-2861 or 212-202-4453.
You cannot direct the wind, but you can adjust the sails.
Labels: Obama worked with terrorist
Sunday, February 24, 2008
Help! We Are Falling and We Can’t Get Up!
22 February 2008: Barack Obama was born August 4, 1961 as Barack Hussein Obama, Jr. Born to a Kenyan father and an American mother, he spent some of his childhood in Honolulu, Hawaii. From the age of six to age ten, he lived in Jakarta with his mother and Indonesian stepfather. Jakarta, Indonesia, one of Islam’s jihadist training grounds.
He admittedly studied Islam early in life, attended a Wahabbi madrassa and then claims he converted from Islam to - well we aren’t really sure what he has converted to. In fact, we aren’t sure that he converted at all. People seem to forget one major fact about Islam: these people have been planning the demise of the United States for decades. They have more patience than anyone on this earth. So who is to say that when the Islamic radicals overthrew Iran in the late 70’s they didn’t have their own "Manchurian Candidate" in mind for the position as President of the most powerful non-Muslim nation in the world?
From a chronological standpoint, the timing of Islam’s bold move in Iran in 1979 and the fact that Barack Obama wrapping up his teenage formative years around the same time places him on my radar screen of suspicion. I haven’t heard him denounce Islam as of yet but I have heard him promote it. I've heard him slam just about everything this country has done in an effort to keep Islam and its perpetuators of the Islamic farce at bay. In fact after he whipped Hillary in one of the primaries he gave a speech in which if you closed your eyes and listened to only the words, you could have had Osama Bin Laden delivering the words to you.
What exactly do we know about this presidential candidate? I’m not talking about the surface, the obvious fake façade of Barack Hussein Obama. I’m talking about the true Obama, the ever evasive answerer, the Wahabbi trained and indoctrinated Muslim who suddenly, as we are experiencing our most difficult times with our Islamic enemy suddenly pops out of the cheap seats and makes a bid for the White House. The overall timing is bizarre to say the least. The bottom line is that this man should not be trusted with the security of the most powerful deterrent of Islam, the United States of America.
We know what a useless, lying piece of human feces that Ted Kennedy is, so why would anyone even consider anyone that he endorses? Possibly there are some back room manipulative plans in the works as surely even the Democrats know that Obama faces a higher than average chance of an assassination attempt if elected. I don’t wish that on anyone but let’s face the fact that Colin Powell even realized the risks and backed away from a presidential bid. Considering this theory, one would have to be curious who Obama’s running mate will be as there is a good chance that the vice president under Obama would eventually be the president. So let’s see who ends up in that seat as his running mate as that person could possibly be the President within the first year of the new regime. C’mon, Ted Kennedy is the same as the kiss of death. I’d put some distance between me and him if I were a candidate.
The Democrats are fairly certain that no Republicans will make it to the White House as most people, even the ones that voted for Bush are unhappy with the war in Iraq and Afghanistan, the economy and the stock market. Since Hillary Clinton smells too much like her screwball husband Bill Clinton, she won’t make the cut. The ones to watch for running mate will be John Edwards or that idiot John Kerry. Kind of funny because the only way either of those two clowns could get into the Presidential driver's seat is if someone died and vacated it. The Democrats are banking on the politically correct, demented thinking and lost logic of the American left to put Obama in the white house. Then and only then will their plan work. Watch how this plays out America as I’m not to far off with this theory. It’s like watching a poorly choreographed musical which unfortunately does well because of the supporters of the actors, not the actors themselves.
The politically correct thing to do is put a black, foreign born Muslim into office only because it is so far opposite of who is running the country now. America won’t vote him in because they think he is the man for the job, they will vote him in because he is against the war, he isn’t the same color as George Bush and he talks a good show. No one is very happy with the Bush-Chaney management (or mismanagement) job and a good majority of weak shortsighted Americans want something different. I’m a Republican but even I have questioned some of the things I’ve seen playing out. Bottom line is that I vote my conscience and I will always support the best person to protect this nation, even if I disagree with some policies.
Islam isn’t going away anytime soon and their plan is the demise of this country. They already have managed to infect Congress with one of their Islamic piglets named Keith Ellison who, for the record, has done nothing positive while in office yet has managed to promote Islam. When you look closely at his congressional district, he has created much conflict between Islam and America. Look closely folks, Muslim airport taxi driver issues with western passengers, the flying imams escapade, the repeated appearances of issues related to the Muslim Brotherhood, etc.
That are just a few incidents in a city from where a Muslim weaseled his way into a Congressional seat. Sit back and imagine the implications of a Muslim in the White House, in charge of a nation, and not limited to one congressional district. That is, of course, if he survives.
Incidentally, if anything did happen to Obama in office, you can be sure that the supposed "assassin" will be killed and magically traced back to some white supremacy group, making the story much more "marketable" to the American public. Since the media is the Democratic mouthpiece for all things, be assured there will be tons of evidence blasted across the media airwaves to seal the deal. It worked with a prior presidential assassination and it will work again if the power designers need it to. It’s what I call the Caesar Principle. It will be a repeat of history much like the Kennedy assassination in which Americas foreign policy changed with his death. It’s been going on for centuries all around the world, as long as there was power to gain and men willing to kill to gain that power.
This will be an interesting presidential election and the follow-up scenes and after effects will be even more interesting if Barack Obama makes it to the Oval Office especially if he survives. Then we will have fallen and we will not be able to get back up. Islam doesn’t have to attack us since we are going to walk them in the front door of the head office.
By the way, if you are wondering why we haven’t been attacked by these Islamic fanatics, it’s because they have no reason to attack us. We are doing exactly what they want us to and have been for some time. Think about it. All the security in the world won’t stop an attack if terrorists want to attack. Yet, we haven’t had a major attack since 2001. We won’t be attacked if Obama is elected and survives. We will be attacked however if anything happens to him or if a Republican gets elected. That’s the terrorist playbook and calendar folks and it is quite simple. Barack Obama is the puppet of Islam and is Islam’s real life equivalent of the fictitious Manchurian Candidate, groomed since childhood possibly even birth for this strategic position.
One way or another America will fall if we don’t get serious about this problem of Islam. When we fall, we will not get back up.
Be safe and stay vigilant.
Dallas cop: “Something was not right”
"I’ve been a cop too long not to know that there is something bigger going on here." -- Dallas police officer, referring to orders to "stand down" on Obama security detail.

UPDATE: Deju vu in Dallas? Conspiracy? You decide.
Click HERE to watch YouTube video of JFK Secret Service detail in Dallas on the day of his assassination.
Click HERE to discuss this on the NEIN Blog
23 February 2008: Dallas, Texas police officer Donald Strong* could not believe what he was hearing – an order issued by the United States Secret Service to “stand down” at a Wednesday rally at the Reunion Arena where Democratic presidential candidate Barak Obama was to address a crowd of nearly 20,000 people. “About 90 minutes before the start of the event, an order was issued to stop the most basic protective security procedures. We had the manpower - it didn’t make sense,” stated the officer.
A report published in the Star Telegram describes the surprise by several Dallas police officers upon receiving an order to “put down the metal detectors and stop checking purses and laptop bags,” allowing an untold number of people access to the arena without undergoing any security screening. “It was surreal,” stated the Dallas officer to the Northeast Intelligence Network.
The officer also described the statement made by Dallas Deputy Police Chief T.W. Lawrence, who said that the turnout “seemed to be a friendly crowd” as ridiculous. Lawrence is also head of the Police Department's Homeland Security and Special Operations divisions.
“I felt that there was something wrong with the order [to stand down] but I was told not concern myself, that it was being handled. But it was not being handled. When I continued to voice my concern, I was told to ‘stay out of it,’” stated the officer, who added that he fears going public with the information could jeopardize his job. Although the rally went forth as planned without incident, Officer Strong believes that there is something else – something more nefarious going on. “The manpower was there – it was not an issue. Why would we be told to stand down? It made no sense. There needs to be an investigation [of this incident] and the individual who ultimately issued the order needs to be identified. I’ve been a cop too long not to know that there is something bigger going on here.”
*The name of the Dallas, Texas police officer changed at his request to protect his identity.